Georeferenced imagery is a fundamental data source in GIS. Not only can it be used as a background or basemap in many different GIS applications, but it is frequently used as an input data source for analyses such as determining presence and health of vegetation. Imagery is collected at different temporal resolutions (time between data collected of the same area), spatial resolution (size of pixels in the imagery) and spectral resolution (band combinations such as the red/green/blue bands of the visible spectrum, color infrared band, or thermal bands).
Imagery is stored as raster data and is collected from various sources – airplanes, satellites, or drones and using various sensors. In Idaho, imagery is collected and provided by many different agencies. For example, the USDA manages the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) collecting nationwide aerial imagery every 2-3 years. Additionally, many regional agencies such as counties and cities collect their own, internally funded high-resolution imagery. Esri basemap and Google, and Bing imagery, among others, are privately funded image collections released under different user licenses.
Note that imagery is expensive to collect, and not all georeferenced imagery collections are freely available for public use.
GIS professionals in Idaho have easy access to the “free to use” current and historical imagery that they can add as basemaps to their own GIS maps and applications or use in analyses. Imagery data is easy to find, easy to use, in a predictable format, and is well documented. Idaho has easy to use tools to find partners to share costs in future data collection, as well as tools to find out when and where agencies have collected imagery for purchase.
- Identify both current and historical imagery datasets that are publicly available.
- Develop standards and a nomination process to get imagery datasets included in the Idaho Map.
- If needed, develop stewardship plans and data sharing agreements governing the use of imagery datasets.
- Foster a collaborative work environment for data producers and consumers. This includes sharing information about public and for-purchase imagery data, fostering partnerships, and sharing data and information where possible.
- Develop a platform for GIS professionals to find partners for cost-sharing opportunities for future imagery data purchases and to provide information regarding existing imagery data available for purchase.
- Keep abreast of changes in federal programs or bills that may impact the availability of imagery data in Idaho and propose actions to protect its availability for GIS professionals in Idaho.
Framework Layer

NAIP Imagery
This data set contains imagery from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). The NAIP program is administered by USDA FSA and has been established to support two main FSA strategic goals centered on agricultural production. These are, increase stewardship of America’s natural resources while enhancing the environment, and ensure commodities are procured and distributed effectively and efficiently to increase food security. The NAIP program supports these goals by acquiring and providing ortho imagery that has been collected during the agricultural growing season in the U.S. The NAIP ortho imagery is tailored to meet FSA requirements and is a fundamental tool used to support FSA farm and conservation programs. Ortho imagery provides an effective, intuitive means of communication about farm program administration between FSA and stakeholders.
New technology and innovation is identified by fostering and maintaining a relationship with vendors and government partners, and by keeping pace with the broader geospatial community. As a result of these efforts the NAIP program provides three main products: DOQQ tiles, Compressed County Mosaics (CCMs), and Seamline shape files. The Contract specifications for NAIP imagery have changed over time reflecting agency requirements and improving technologies. These changes include image resolution, horizontal accuracy, coverage area, and number of bands. In general, flying seasons are established by FSA and are targeted for peak crop growing conditions. The NAIP acquisition cycle is based on a minimum 3 year refresh of base ortho imagery. The tiling format of the NAIP imagery is based on a 3.75′ x 3.75′ quarter quadrangle with a 300-pixel buffer on all four sides. NAIP quarter quads are formatted to the UTM coordinate system using the North American Datum of 1983. NAIP imagery may contain as much as 10% cloud cover per tile.
Individual image tiles can be downloaded using the Idaho Aerial Imagery Explorer.
Recent and Historical Imagery
An image web service contains all publicly accessible digital georeferenced aerial imagery collections at the University of Idaho Library. Individual collections can be filtered by the ‘DatasetID’ field. The default image display order is from most recent to least recent. New collections are added to this GeoService as they are received and processed. The University of Idaho Library welcomes submissions of data to enhance this collection.

Margie Wilkins
Idaho Department of Water Resources
Next Meeting
1st Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am MT
Meeting Notes
- 2024-10-02: Presentation – USDA Leaf Off Imagery Program
- 2024-06-05: Recording – Montana Imagery Working Group
- 2024-06-05: Presentation – Montana Imagery Working Group
- 2023-11-01: Presentation: Hexagon Imagery
- 2023-03-01: Meeting Notes
- 2021-04-07: Meeting Notes
- Connect to REST endpoint for Image Services from INSIDE Idaho
- Connect to REST endpoint for 2021 NAIP Imagery at ISU
- Download Data thru the NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway