The Geoscience Framework Theme addresses important geophysical data with workgroups specifically addressing Geology and Soils
For information contact:
Wilma Robertson
Information Technology Services (ITS)
(208) 605-4053
Wilma Robertson
Element Workgroups
Geographically-referenced data pertaining to the origin, history, composition, structure, features, and processes of the solid Earth, both onshore and offshore. Includes geologic, geophysical, and geochemical maps, stratigraphy, paleontology, geochronology, mineral and energy resources, and natural hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, coastal erosion, and landslides.
Depicts the geography and attributes of the many kinds of soils found in the landscape at both large and small map scales. A Living dynamic resource providing a natural medium for plant growth and habitat for living organisms, soil recycles nutrients and wastes, stores carbon, and purifies water supplies. Soil has distinct layers (called ‘horizons’) that, in contrast to underlying geologic material, are altered by the interactions of climate, landscape features, and living organisms over time.