NWGIS is proud to offer Spring Workshops in cooperation with GeoSpatial Training Services. Each workshop will have a morning (8am - 12pm Pacific) and afternoon (1pm - 5pm Pacific) session The cost is $50 for NWGIS members and $70 for non-NWGIS members.
The first Imagery Technical Working Group meeting of 2021 is Wednesday 4/7! I hope you can join us. The following topics are presently on our (free-form) agenda: • INSIDE Idaho’s Imagery Explorer and the University of Idaho’s digital georeferenced aerial imagery collection – Bruce Godfrey • Imagery data resources provided by ISU’s GIS TReC (including […]
BioSciences TWG Meeting Join meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/374081341 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3412 Access Code: 374-081-341 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/374081341
Darren Leavitt (PLS) will be our presenter at the next TECH talk with the GIS TReC. His subject is Understanding the PLSS as it relates to GIS and spatial data. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://isu.zoom.us/my/gistrec Meeting ID: 286 928 9070 One tap mobile +12532158782,,2869289070# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,2869289070# US (Houston)
Please plan on joining us for our next SIG meeting. We have a full agenda including the launch of our new name, Treasure Valley GIS User Group (TVGIS), Mike Woodford our new GIO will give an update, Jan Cunningham with ESRI will be joining us (yes, there will be giveaways!) and Wilma Robertson with the […]
Please mark your calendars for the April GC-TWG meeting at 3-4pm MT Thursday April 22nd . Full details are given on the agenda below. Agenda Items 1. Introductions and sign-in (all) 2. Updates and news (all) a) Legislative action update (Tom) b) Geodetic Coordinator search (Keith) c) TURN base station updates (Kindra) d) Other (all) […]
Access the virtual meeting by clicking on the "View event website" link below Agenda: Review the NENA standard and other state NG9-1-1 standards and best practices. Offer suggestions for an Idaho NG9-1-1 standard for NENA required and recommended GIS layers. You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (669) 224-3412 Access Code: […]
We’d like to remind you to join us for our Transportation TWG meeting, which will be occurring 04/27/2021. Please be thinking of any questions that you have as part of the GIS community, and we’ll happily answer whatever we can. Join from the meeting link: Click on "View Event Website" below Join by meeting number […]
Please join us for our next monthly State Workshop TODAY from 3-4 MTN to see how State Employees from DHW, IDWR, DEQ and IDPR are using Story Maps to share their work. Esri will also present to let us know what is new with Story maps. Please feel free to pass this email along to […]
NWGIS is proud to offer Spring Workshops in cooperation with GeoSpatial Training Services. Each workshop will have a morning (8am - 12pm Pacific) and afternoon (1pm - 5pm Pacific) session The cost is $50 for NWGIS members and $70 for non-NWGIS members.
To join the virtual meeting click on the "View Event Website" link below Agenda for May 6th: 1) Our new regular set meetings. 2) 3DEP is pushing to fill in the gaps, which comes at a great time: to add to the 2019 Northern Idaho lidar collected, there might be an opportunity to partner with […]