Official Government Website

ISU GIS TReC Workshop – Becoming Productive with ArcGIS Pro

We will continue to offer Zoom online workshops this summer with plans to resume in-person/hybrid workshops in the fall. Each workshop is still only $100 per person/day and each is a full-day workshop (9am-4pm MT). To learn more about each workshop or to register, just visit If you have a question about these workshops […]

Parcels Technical Working Group

9am PST/10am MST Join by phone +1-415-655-0001 US Toll Meeting number (access code): 133 911 5474

Site Scan Workshop

I am also pleased to announce a Site Scan workshop on Wednesday May 26 from 2:30-4 PM MTN. Learn how to use, and what is new with this software that helps you plan and execute drone data collection projects. Join meeting: Dial-in: +1-415-655-0001 Passcode: 1773397574

ISU GIS TReC Workshop – Geodatabases in ArcGIS Pro

We will continue to offer Zoom online workshops this summer with plans to resume in-person/hybrid workshops in the fall. Each workshop is still only $100 per person/day and each is a full-day workshop (9am-4pm MT). To learn more about each workshop or to register, just visit If you have a question about these workshops […]

Building Initiatives on ArcGIS Hub Workshop

See for instructions on how to sign up, as well as access recordings and workbooks for previous workshops.

Elevation Technical Working Group Meeting

To join the virtual meeting, click on the "View Event Website" link below Meeting ID: 960 6080 2159 Passcode: 701110 One tap mobile +16699006833,,96060802159# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,96060802159# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 646 […]

GIS Tech Talk

Hosted by ISU's GISTrec

Parcel Technical Working Group

If you can please attend our Parcel TWG meeting this week – Wednesday, June 16th at 9 a.m. PDT/10 a.m. MDT We will be presenting proposed attribute standards. Also a webinar posted on YouTube by the New York State Open GIS Parcel Data has a very good discussion about why open access to GIS tax […]

Geodetic Control Technical Working Group Meeting

The June GC-TWG meeting is from 3-4pm MT. The agenda is outlined below and I hope you can attend. For your convenience the Zoom webinar link is provided below as well. Agenda 1. Introductions and sign-in (all) 2. Updates and news (all) a. NATRF2022 update 3. RTN in Idaho a. TURN base station updates (Kindra) […]

Working With Lidar in ArcGIS Pro

This full day course teaches the fundamentals of lidar, its data structure, and data standards. Participants will learn how to download lidar data from the Idaho Lidar Consortium and the ISU GIS TReC Lidar Web Viewer. With data in hand the participant will build an LAS dataset in ArcGIS Pro, learn how to classify point […]

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